When we (Indians particularly) entered 2014 a sense of euphoria accompanied us along into the new year. Perhaps it was too long that we licked our wounds and were ready for one of the biggest change ever occurred in the peninsula after independence. Yes finally it came down to one man show when BJP announced Mr. Narendra Modi as prime ministerial candidate. As I write this he has been coronated as 15th Prime Minister of the union of India. Words evade me when I merely ponder over narrating the exciting times, the war of words, bounty of murky comments and allegations hurled against one another and politicians who have virtually grown that thick membrane around, paying deaf ears to them. But this time around an edge was always there with the saffron wielders and even though everyone knew that to outdo someone as powerful as Gandhis, who have become immune to staying in power with passing decades , they needed a prominent mascot which can be flashed in their election campaign and who else could have been a better bet than the person himself who endured all their scrutiny and tantrums for the past decade yet came out unscathed amidst all those prying eyes. He chose to hit on their lean patch and expose the unexposed realities. Therefore, I at last feel no hesitation in paying the much deserved tribute to the man himself who was nucleus of 16th general elections, Hail MODI !!!
First thing first, a noticeable
development which couldn’t escape my apprehension was the grand congress that
took place at the Rashtrapati Bhawan courtyard to elevate the incoming PM. Outline of the event remained the unprecedented gathering present at the ceremony representing all walks of life, be it art, science, cinema, spiritual
leaders, politicians (of course they were the most prominent), or foreign delegates. It somehow resembled our conventional wedding ceremony where guests become
testimony to the union of two souls. This event too was a testimony to the most
famous and eye catching swearing in ceremony of the PM of the union of India. And as
far as I and some of my friends are concerned, we never watched the result
declaration or for that matter swearing-in ceremony with such anxiety.
But the story this time around was entirely different as we were subjected to
watch the gala event by a curious self. Truly, it was beheld with so much of
excitement and glee. However it was the critical part of my
cerebellum that tossed in a few question like : what was the need after all of
making such prodigal arrangements and flushing in such huge sum of money. Plus it
raised that 1 % security issue with such a big crowd amassed out there. But then it
was our PM’s oath taking ceremony and for the first time a vibrant character
who happens to be one common man among us was at the paramour, which provided a
liberal overtone to it.
Yes, this election will go down into the
record books for the kind of battering the veteran party received, also known
as grand old man of India, a party that saw India to its glory and helped her
attain the much needed independence from the Britishers. Also this elections
will be remembered for being such lopsided contest when INC were reduced to
such meagre numbers that they can’t even make a formidable opposition, and we
may see a coalition of opposition for the lower house. This election will be
remembered for vengeance, wrath, active participation of the people from the
largest democracy of the world who shed the comforts of their mansion only to embrace
the scorching 40 degrees plus temperature outside and voted for a better change,
a change which was desperately sought, they voted by rising above all the
barriers of caste, creed, language, and hierarchy only to choose the man from a
modest background, whose deeds spoke more than anything, who himself is a gizmo
and has connected more efficiently with the youth, and an efficient manager who
maneuvered his resources near to perfection. A well versed orator who is so
spontaneous, witty and well versed.
We all know the stark truth
behind the demise of the congress empire, so I won’t waste my energy probing
and analyzing them, rather I will talk about the challenges posed and the to
dos. The clear mandate only makes things tougher and sets up a higher
difficulty level for the NDA government led by the man sporting a billowed 56
inch chest. There won’t be furrowed brows and muscle flexing neighbors anymore,
as unfortunately in past decade we surrendered the fate of our country into the
hands of a person who was merely a pawn into the hands of a mistress leading a
petticoat government. India is here to espouse the fundamentals of camaraderie
and preach goodwill gesture amongst its boundary sharing acquaintance, and what
could have been better than our premier inviting theirs’ to the swearing in ceremony
where all the premiers of the SAARC and other members of subcontinent made it a
beautiful spectacle with their presence at the Rashtrapati Bhawan. In a way
which proclaimed the kind of foreign relations and policies the newly formed
government would exercise. Making a goodwill gesture Pakistan and Sri Lanka set
some of our fishermen free held captive by them. Further strengthening
bilateral ties and engagement over high level diplomacy have been the so called
important outcomes of the meet. A discourse on these vital issues on day 1 of
his 5 year tenure underlines the fact that, here is a statesman in making who
will pioneer wisdom and instill full proof governance in our country.
Next in the series comes fair bit
of realization and working on the more grievous concerns plus things that has
eluded him so far. According to the stats BJP got 33% of the total votes that
were casted across India, what about the rest 67%, I would have him ponder and
re realize the things which have been overlooked so far.
Having said that,
bridging this prolonged gap and instilling love, trust and lost faith among the
Muslims will be a task cut out for the PM.
When I happened to watch most of
his interviews given to prominent reporters and TV channels of the country I
noticed him emphasizing on quick upliftment of handful of cities in northern
India which will be a breather to the national capital. The places included
prominent cities from Bihar, Jharkhand, Bengal, Orissa and Assam. Converting
them into well equipped smart cities will be another serious challenge posed.
Another prominent subject of his concern has been Indian Railways which happens
to be the biggest source of employment as well as revenue in the country. And
it calls for some serious attention. A better connectivity by means of
sophisticated trains among the top cities should be in the list of to dos.
We have already had ample of
money and food distributing schemes in our country but I am afraid that the fund entitled for grains are actually making the accounts of Swiss bank beneficiary swell rather than reaching the needy hands. Task at hand will be
to ensure zero tolerance in corruption, well functioning of the huge schemes and
resource allocation in proper place. Procurement of vandalized and deserted
mines and seeing them to proper functionality will be another issue to be paid
attention to.
Amidst all the talks of development, infrastructure,
investment and growth, a thing of grievous concern will be seeing the
article 370 off peacefully and much deservedly, which has made the residents of
J&K feel like an alien in their own country even after 67 years of
independence. It has eluded state and its citizens of many rights which rest of India enjoys authoritatively. Induction of uniform civil code where all the religions will be tried under one law shall be another uphill task for the UPA government.
With everything said and pondered, the newly formed government has started Mekong headlines with some prominent roadmaps to the development. But it will be too early to take a call on it. Blabbering alone hasn't seen any mortal to the path of glory. And India shall wait to see another renaissance take place.
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