Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Meet Your Bottled Genie in Red Wine

Where the mind is without fear and the wine is held high ... Into that freedom of enchanted compassion, dear Lord, take me, hostage!

Wine has long since been regarded as the holy sip of gods, and we, being their finest creations, strive to follow suit. A detailed look at the vibrant history of mankind reveals that wine has managed to remain the toast of distinctive occasions for centuries.

Having said that, a section of our society is still caught in the ‘to-drink-or-not-to-drink’ debate. All right, folks! We’re going to reveal some of the lesser known benefits contained in a bottle of wine, which is sure to make you reach for one.

1. Long live thee!
Who doesn’t want a sip of elixir that makes them immortal? No, wine won’t make you live forever, but it can account for a prolonged and healthy life. A Finnish study among 2,468 men over a 29-year period, published in the Journals of Gerontology, 2007, coerces the fact that wine drinkers have 34 percent lower mortality rate than drinkers of other alcoholic beverages.

2. Beauty and health counsel
Meet your ultimate blood stimulator! That’s right: a good wine facial cleans up your dead skin cells and revitalizes your blood flow. Wine also boasts of detoxifying agents that reverse the ageing process and help to de-tan and de-stress your skin.

So instead of splurging a hefty portion of your paycheck on grooming kits, consider buying a few bottles of wine. I bet that would be a better investment.

3. Wine combats cancer
 Red wine contains a component called ‘quercetin’ that keeps lung cancer at bay. It also lowers the risk of breast cancer and reduces the growth of cancerous cells due to the presence of resveratrol.

4. Sleep in peace
Red wine gives you peaceful sleep due to the presence of melatonin, a substance that stimulates your body clock. Consumption of a moderate amount of red wine (50 to 100 ml) before retiring to bed can guarantee sound sleep.

5. Goodbye, fat days!
Studies have revealed that people who prefer drinking wine are less susceptible to putting on body fat. Moderate wine drinkers are more likely to boast of narrower waists and flatter abs as compared to those who gulp down other alcoholic beverages.

6. Cold company
When you have the sniffles, wine is a better friend than humans. Researchers have confirmed that red wine can help you fight nose blocks and cold, and make breathing easier.

Wine can also lower the risk of other health issues, such as cataracts, colon cancer, Type 2 diabetes and stroke.

But let's not forget that the biggest benefit in a glass of red wine is that it makes socializing fun! So, don't you whine, but treat yourself to some superior red wine.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Ways you can pretend to be busy at work place!

All day’s work & no fun makes Bill a pathetic soul!

Therefore to avoid such misery, Bill practices the art of tricking his supervisors. It projects him as super busy at the workplace. Bill is smart. Be like Bill.
Coming quickly to the point, let’s admit that nobody likes to work thru the day. Given that different office has different work culture these days, employees often find themselves at the receiving end.
At some places, the work schedule sucks while at the other it rocks!
Irrespective of the challenges posed, one must know how to maneuver the professional life efficiently.
All you need to do is bring some simple hacks to practice & there you are, forged into the carcass of a super busy individual.
Statutory warning: Practice them to perfection, because if it backfires, it can get you fired!

Pretend to look for something
Office & its spaces are usually packed up and offer a lot of places to loiter around. But have you ever thought that your desk space could also keep you engaged.
Just keep flipping through the bulky files & documents. Don’t forget that you have been allocated a desk that houses few cabinets as well.

Stand by the Xerox machine
Xerox machine is usually stationed in one of the corners of the workspace. It also serves as the fulcrum around which folks in the office usually revolve.
For the better part of the day, the flashing green & yellow light of the machine attracts quite a few eyeballs in the office.
So even if you aren’t really occupied, you can make-up to be collecting the all-important Xerox copies from the machine.

On your toes
A lazy walking posture cuts a sorry figure of you. Needless to say, the office is the last place to act so insipidly.
Walk straight, and move around in haste, that way you are busy and won’t attract penetrating stares.

Move in the company of random junk
You see how junk helps you overcome your miseries!
Not a foolproof idea but moving around with a scrap or a random office property can certainly project you as an individual who is quite engrossed in his job.
Needless to say, it keeps you busy too.

A head massage might help
A dependable move for those who has mastered this art! In this case, you have to wear an intense look accompanied by an involved rubbing of the temple.
It would certainly provide the much-needed break. The visibly distressed look on your face would shield you from being assigned to any probable short-term task from your boss!

Keep talking or at least, mumble to yourself
As a kid, we were taught to read-out-aloud to by-heart the task given at school.
I, being a spoiled kid shouted-out-aloud to make my parents believe that I was studying even when I didn’t feel like.
Decades later today I am a working professional but things haven’t changed drastically.
The only difference is that I don’t shout-out-aloud at the same frequency.

Fake talking on the phone
Yeah, if you are an HR or handle a profile that covers considerable about of calling then this could be your perfect bypass.
Get hold of the receiver located on your desk & pretend that you are speaking with a client or candidate.
Maybe that way you could buy yourself few moments of comfort- an escape from the prying eyes of your boss.

And suddenly you’ll realize that the day is over much before you actually thought.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Indian Millennial Ladies: What makes them rock

The world is their oyster, and they are here to stay!

Millennials make the biggest workforce on Earth & they are decked with all the primaries i.e. good education, strong will power & are ready to take the world by storm.

A report from PwC titled ‘the Female Millennial’ confirms the arrival of millennial women, and particularly underlines the fact that India and Brazil are the frontrunners when it comes to confident and motivated women, which isn’t surprising, considering that both countries lead regarding high population counts.

The PwC report also mentions that over 50 percent of the workforce in India comprises millennials, as compared to a paltry 25 percent in the US.

But we’re focusing on the female millennials here. So, what exactly makes these Indian ladies lead the charts when it comes to professional and personal development? We tried to decode it in our way!

Roads less traveled
Women these days embark on individual journeys more often, journeys that propagate development & allow them to pursue a balanced work/life.

Rapid progression, a varied and exciting career and constant feedback are a few things that trigger their fancy the most.

In other words, millennials prefer a management style and culture that doesn't follow the routine practice – one that nearly meets their needs

Natural Wanderlust
Travelling is the latest fad. For most of the millennials, the impetus lies in savoring the moment rather than just amassing the money, which makes wandering places a top-notch priority.
Consider Shivya Nath, a travel blogger who quit her job four years back. Today she has visited a handful of countries & is one of the most celebrated travelers.

You see meeting people, visiting places & relishing the wonder of nature is something that excites most of us. Work requirements & their will to explore areas have made it easier for women in India to travel on their own. It has led to being more independent, confident and versatile in the workspace as well.

Powered by technology
Millennials always had the luxury to grow up in the company of broadband, smartphones, laptops and social media.
Women, also nurture a knack for industrial activities & need instant access to information.
In fact, this happens to be the first generation to enter the workplace with proper homework & a better knowledge of an essential business tool. Indeed, they have proven to be highly productive than more senior workers.

Balance of work and personal life
A cluttered work & personal life is the last thing you would expect. It is another salient feature that puts working millennial women in a different league altogether.
When it comes to maintaining a fair balance between & work & professional life, they have conquered that front as well. Late marriages, independent living and a rejection of societal norms have only added to their professional growth and made them more equipped.

Too particular about the work culture
It is the work culture that defines a workplace correctly. In other words, the better the work culture, the feasible it is for the fellow contributors to work.

That brings us to the point that millennial women have been particular about the role & work ethics of the organization, which makes them a growing force in the workplace.

All said and heard, let’s admit that India millennial women have nailed it, and their attributes could be a lesson for many!
